“16. (1) Subject to Paragraph (2) of this Standing Order, the Assembly shall meet at least once every month on the fourth Thursday at 1:30 in the afternoon but it may hold Ordinary Meetings as often as its business may require. Unless previously adjourned by a motion moved by a Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Leader of Assembly Business, the Assembly shall sit until 8 o’ clock in the evening.

(2) At 4:30 p.m. the Presiding Officer shall suspend the Sitting and order it to be resumed at 5:00 p.m.

(3) The Presiding Officer may at any time suspend the Sitting for a stated period.

(4) If at any time when the Assembly stands adjourned pursuant to its own order, the Presiding Officer is satisfied that there is urgent necessity for the Assembly to meet upon a day earlier than the day to which the Assembly stands adjourned, he may, subject to the provisions of paragraph (5) of this Standing Order, direct the Clerk to summon a meeting of the Assembly for such time on such day, whether Thursday or otherwise, as the Presiding Officer may determine.

(5) Every direction under Paragraph (4) of this Standing Order shall be in writing and shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and shall bear the date upon which it is given to the Clerk and shall specify the business to be transacted at the meeting to which it relates.

(6) The Presiding Officer shall convene a Special Meeting of the Assembly – (a) at the written request of the Chief Secretary; or (b) at the written request of the not less than one-third of the members.

(7) A request for a Special Meeting shall be directed through the Clerk to the Presiding Officer.

(8) Except by leave of the Assembly, no business other than the business specified in the direction under paragraph (6) of this Standing Order shall be transacted at any Special Meeting of the Assembly under the said paragraph.

(9) All meetings of the Assembly shall be open to the public except that the Presiding Officer may order the removal of any person or persons for disorderly conduct or obstruction of the proceedings of the Assembly.

(10) The Leader of Assembly Business may, without notice, move that the Assembly continue to sit until the conclusion of the business on the Order Paper or of any matter specified thereon, and the question upon such a motion shall be put without amendment or debate.

(11) The Assembly may from time to time alter by resolution the hours provided in this Standing Order for the beginning and ending of a Sitting.”

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