“55. (1) In a division the Clerk shall call each member’s name separately and such member shall indicate how he desires to vote, and the Clerk shall thereupon record the vote accordingly.

(2) Subject to Standing Order No 15. And to paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 48 (Decisions on Questions) every member present unless he expressly says that he declines to vote, shall record his vote either for the “Ayes” or the “Noes”.

(3) The Clerk shall announce the number of members who have voted for and those who voted against the proposal, and the number of members who declined to vote, and subject to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Standing Order, the Presiding Officer, shall then, declare the result of the division.

(4) The Clerk shall enter in the Minutes of Proceedings the record of each member’s vote, and shall add a statement of the number and the names of all the Members present who decline to vote, and where the votes are equally divided and the Presiding Officer or other member presiding has a casting vote, the Clerk shall record in the minutes the manner in which the Presiding Officer or other member presiding exercised his casting vote.

(5) If a member states that he voted in error or that his vote has been counted wrongly, he may claim to have his vote altered provided that such claim is made as soon as the Clerk has announced the numbers and before the Chair has declared the results of the division, and upon such claim being made, the Presiding Officer, at his sole discretion, shall either direct the Clerk to alter the member’s vote or direct that a fresh division be held.”

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Nature of the Questions