“50. (1) The Mover of an original motion shall be limited in the duration of his speech in presenting his motion to forty (40) minutes.
(2) Subject to the preceding paragraph of this Standing Order, a member shall not be entitled to address the Assembly of Committee of the whole Assembly for more than thirty (30) minutes on any subject, except that the Assembly or the Committee may by motion made and carried without amendment or debate, extend once only the time limited by this Standing Order for such period not exceeding ten (10) minutes as may be agreed to by the Assembly, except that no time limit shall be imposed on a Secretary presenting the Annual Estimates of the Assembly.
(3) In their reply to debate on a motion, the Secretary or Assistant Secretary for the subject area shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes and the mover of the original motion shall be limited to forty (40) minutes, save that no limit shall be placed upon the Secretary presenting the Annual Estimates and the Minority member making the initial response to the presentation.
(4) The ruling of the Officer presiding as to the time taken by any member shall be final.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this Standing Order, the House may limit the length of a debate on any matter, provided that there is agreement between the Leader of the House and the Minority Leader in the Chamber.
(6) In any debate in which a time limit is imposed on the entire debate by agreement between the Leader of the House and the Minority Leader, the Speaker shall ensure that the time is equally apportioned among the parties represented in the Chamber provided that no Member is unfairly disenfranchised.”
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