“29. (1) A Secretary who intends to make a statement shall before the commencement of the sitting, inform the Presiding Officer of his intention to make a statement and the subject of the statement and provide the Presiding Officer with a copy of the statement.

(2) The time limit for a statement by a Secretary shall not exceed ten (10) minutes.

(3) The Presiding Officer may permit one (1) question for the purpose of elucidation, to be asked by one Member from each of the parties in Opposition to the Majority and the Secretary, if he can then answer, shall reply. Such question shall not exceed fifteen (15) seconds in length, must be asked without argument or opinion, and shall not address more than one matter of general Assembly policy.

(4) Any reply in accordance with paragraph (3) of this Standing Order shall be limited to two (2) minutes.

(5) A statement made by a Member shall be circulated to all Members.”

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Presiding in the Assembly and in Committee


Absence of the Presiding Officer


Request of Deputy Presiding Officer to Preside


Leader of Assembly Business


Duties of the Clerk


Fixed Recess


Sittings of the Assembly

