“24. (1) A question shall not be asked without notice, unless it is of an urgent character or relates to the business of the day, and unless the member has obtained the leave of the Presiding Officer to ask it.

(2) Notice of question may be handed by a member to the Clerk when the Assembly is sitting or may be sent to or left at the office of the Clerk at any time during the hours prescribed for the purpose, and every such notice must be signed by the member giving it.

(3) Subject to Standing Order No. 16 (Order of Business) a member who desires an oral answer to a question shall mark his notice with an asterisk and such a question shall be down for a day to be named by the member being a day not earlier than twenty-one clear days after notice of the question was given and a question not so marked may be put down for the next sitting day of the Assembly and the answer when received shall be circulated with the Minutes of Proceedings.”

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Presiding in the Assembly and in Committee

Absence of the Presiding Officer

Request of Deputy Presiding Officer to Preside

Leader of Assembly Business

Duties of the Clerk

Fixed Recess

Sittings of the Assembly
