“41. (1) When any motion is under consideration in the Assembly or in a Committee thereof an amendment may be proposed to the motion if it is relevant thereto.

(2) An amendment may be proposed to any such amendment if it is relevant thereto.

(3) An amendment to a motion may be moved and seconded at any time after the question upon the motion has been proposed by the Presiding Officer and before it has been put by the Presiding Officer at the conclusion

n of the debate upon the motion, when all amendments have been disposed of the Presiding Officer shall then put the question on the original motion or the motion as amended as the case may require.

(4) Upon any amendment:- (a) to leave out any of the words of the motion, the question to be proposed shall be “That the words proposed to be left out, be left out of the question”; (b) to insert words in, or to add at the end of the motion, the question to be proposed shall be “That those words be there inserted” (or “added”); (c) to leave out words and insert or add other words instead, a question shall first be proposed “That the words proposed to be left out, be left out of the question”, and only if that question is agreed to, shall the question then be proposed “That those words be there inserted” (or “added”).

(5) When two or more amendments are proposed to be moved to the same motion, the Presiding Officer shall call upon the movers in the order in which their amendments relate to the text of the motion, or in the case of doubt, in such order as he shall decide.

(6) Any amendment may, by leave of the Assembly or Committee, be withdrawn at the request of the mover before the question is fully put thereon, provided that there is no dissentient voice.

(7) Any amendment to an amendment which a member wishes to propose may be moved and seconded at any time after the question upon the original amendment has been proposed, and before it has been put at the conclusion of the debate on the original amendment.

(8) The provision of Paragraph (4) of this Standing Order shall apply to the discussions of amendments to amendments except that in any question to be put, the words “original amendment” shall be substituted for the word “question”.

(9) When every such amendment to an amendment has been disposed of, the Presiding Officer shall, as the case may require, either put the question upon the original amendment, or shall put the question upon the original amendment as amended.

(10) Any amendment shall be put in writing by the mover and delivered to the Clerk before the question is proposed thereon.

(11) When the question upon an amendment to a motion has been proposed by the Presiding Officer, an earlier part of the motion may not be amended unless the amendment under discussion is withdrawn.

(12) An amendment shall not raise any question which, by these Standing Orders, can only be raised by a substantive motion after notice.”

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