“14 (1) The Clerk shall keep the Minutes of the proceedings of the Assembly and of its committees and shall circulate copies of such Minutes to members as early as practicable and such minutes when so circulated shall be taken as read.

(2) The Minutes shall record the names of members attending and all decisions taken, and be signed by the member presiding.

(3) In the case of divisions of the Assembly, or at a Committee of the Assembly the Minutes shall include the numbers voting for and against the question, the names of the members so voting and the names of the members who declined to vote on the question.

(4) The Clerk shall prepare from day to day and keep on the Table of the Assembly, and in the Clerk’s office an Order Book showing all business appointed for any future day and any Notices of Questions or Motions which have been set down for a future day whether for a day named or not. The Order Book shall be open to the inspection of the members’ at all reasonable hours.

(5) The Clerk shall cause to be circulated to every member in respect of each sitting of the Assembly an Order Paper setting out the business to be transacted at the sitting.

(6) The Clerk shall be responsible for the custody of the votes, records, rules, and other documents laid before the Assembly which shall be open to inspection by members at any reasonable time and to other persons at such times as the Presiding Officer thinks fit.

(7) The Clerk shall be responsible for the custody of the Assembly’s Common Seal which shall be kept in a vault provided for that purpose.

(8) The Clerk shall make available to committees of the Assembly such staff as is reasonably necessary for their efficient running and operation.

(9) At the end of each session, the Clerk shall cause to be prepared and placed in records of the Assembly a bound volume containing the Minutes of Proceedings of that Session, marked with all such corrections as the Presiding Officer may have directed to be made therein.

(10) As soon as the President approves any rule, or assents to any Assembly law, the same shall be published in the Gazette and any newspaper that is circulated throughout Trinidad and Tobago, and the Clerk shall send to each member a copy of such rule, or Assembly law.”

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