“25. (1) The right to ask a question shall be subject to the following general rules, as to the interpretation of which the Presiding Officer shall be the sole judge: (a) the proper object of a question is to obtain the information on a question of fact within the official cognisance of the Secretary to whom it is addressed, or to ask for official action; (b) a question shall not include the names of persons, or any statement of fact, unless they be necessary to render the question intelligible; (c) if a question contains a statement of fact, the member asking it shall make himself responsible for the accuracy of the statement, and no question shall be based upon a newspaper report or upon an unofficial publication; (d) not more than one subject shall be referred to in any one question, and a question shall not be of excessive length; (e) a question shall not contain arguments, inferences, opinions, imputations, epithets, ironical expressions; or hypothetical cases; (f) a question shall not be asked – (i) which raises an issue already decided by the Assembly, or which has been answered fully during the Current Session, or to which an answer has been refused; (ii) which seeks information about matters which are in their nature secret; (iii) regarding proceedings in a Committee which have not been placed before the Assembly by a report from that Committee; (iv) which deals with matters referred to a Commission of Enquiry or Dispute Resolution Commission or fall within the jurisdiction of the Chairman of a Select Committee; (v) as to the character or conduct of any person except in his official or public capacity.

(2) if the Presiding Officer is of the opinion that any question of which a member has given notice to the Clerk infringes the provisions of any Standing Order or is in any way abusive he may direct that:- (a) the member concerned be informed that the question is out of order; or (b) that the question be entered in the Order Book with such alterations as he may direct.”

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