“45. (1) Subject to the provisions of these Standing Orders, debate upon any motion, Bill or Assembly Law or amendment shall be relevant to such motion, Bill, Assembly Law or amendment and a member shall confine his observations to the subject under discussion.

(2) Reference shall not be made to any matter on which a judicial decision is pending, in such a way as might in the opinion of the Chair, prejudice the interest of the parties thereto.

(3) It shall be out of order to attempt to revive in any debate a matter or reconsider any specific question upon which the Assembly has come to a conclusion during the current session, except upon a substantive motion for rescission, which motion shall not be brought sooner than six months after the date on which the Assembly reached its decision.

(4) It shall be out of order to use offensive or insulting language about members. (5) No member shall impute improper motives to any other member.

(6) Secretaries assigned shall be referred to by the title of their portfolios and other members, who are not Councilors, only by the electoral districts for which they have been elected.

(7) The name of the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago shall not be used to influence the Assembly.

(8) The conduct of the President of the Republic, members of the Assembly, Members of Parliament or of Judges or other persons engaged in the administration of justice shall not be raised except upon a substantive motion moved for the purpose, and in any moved amendment, or debate on a motion dealing with any other subject, any reference to the conduct of any such person as aforesaid shall be out of order.”

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