“46. (1) When an amendment proposes to leave out words and to add or insert words in their place, debate upon the question “That the words proposed to be left out, be left out of the question” may relate to both the words proposed to be left out and those proposed to be added or inserted.

(2) On an amendment proposing only to leave out words or to add or insert words, debate shall be confined to the omission, addition or insertion of such words respectively.

(3) Where during the course of the debate a motion is made:- (a) for the adjournment of the debate or of the Assembly; or (b) in Committee, that the Chairman do report progress or do leave the chair, unless it appears to the chair that the motion is an abuse of the rules of the Assembly or an infringement of the rights of the minority, the question on the motion for the adjournment as aforesaid shall be put forthwith without amendment or debate; and a member who has or seconded such a motion shall not be entitled to move or second any similar motion during the same debate; but this paragraph shall not be construed as restricting the customary right of the Leader of Assembly Business to move the adjournment of the Assembly on the conclusion of the business of the day.”

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